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有读书笔记Deep winds beneath Saturn’s upper clouds from a seasonal long-lived planetary-scale storm

唐唐 添加于 2011-7-12 04:21 | 1463 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Sánchez-Lavega A, Río-Gaztelurrutia T del, Hueso R, Gómez-Forrellad JM, Sanz-Requena JF, Legarreta J, García-Melendo E, Colas F, Lecacheux J, Fletcher LN, Barrado-Navascués D, Parker D, Akutsu T, Barry T, Beltran J, Buda S, Combs B, Carvalho F, Casquinha P, Delcroix M, Ghomizadeh S, Go C, Hotershall J, Ikemura T, Jolly G, Kazemoto A, Kumamori T, Lecompte M, Maxson P, Melillo FJ, Milika DP, Morales E, Peach D, Phillips J, Poupeau JJ, Sussenbach J, Walker G, Walker S, Tranter T, Wesley A, Wilson T, Yunoki K
  •  摘 要

    Convective storms occur regularly in Saturn’s atmosphere1, 2, 3, 4. Huge storms known as Great White Spots, which are ten times larger than the regular storms, are rarer and occur about once per Saturnian year (29.5 Earth years). Current models propose that the outbreak of a Great White Spot is due to moist convection induced by water5, 6. However, the generation of the global disturbance and its effect on Saturn’s permanent winds1, 7 have hitherto been unconstrained8 by data, because there was insufficient spatial resolution and temporal sampling9, 10, 11 to infer the dynamics of Saturn’s weather layer (the layer in the troposphere where the cloud forms). Theoretically, it has been suggested that this phenomenon is seasonally controlled5, 9, 10. Here we report observations of a storm at northern latitudes in the peak of a weak westward jet during the beginning of northern springtime, in accord with the seasonal cycle but earlier than expected. The storm head moved faster than the jet, was active during the two-month observation period, and triggered a planetary-scale disturbance that circled Saturn but did not significantly alter the ambient zonal winds. Numerical simulations of the phenomenon show that, as on Jupiter12, Saturn’s winds extend without decay deep down into the weather layer, at least to the water-cloud base at pressures of 10–12 bar, which is much deeper than solar radiation penetrates.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类:期刊
    • 期刊名称: Nature
    • 期刊缩写: Nature
    • 期卷页: 2011  475 7354 71-74
    • ISBN: 0028-0836
  • 相关链接 DOI URL 

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    西班牙巴斯克大学的天文学家A. Sánchez-Lavega与来自世界各国的同事在7月7日出版的《自然》杂志上以封面文章的形式报告说,装载在美国宇航局(NASA)的卡西尼号探测 器上的仪器发现了由闪电产生的无线电波爆发,这些闪电在其高峰期每秒钟至少发生10次。
    由于它们的规模和亮度,这样的风暴被称为“大白斑”,它能够被地球上的天文学家观测到,并 且平均每30年发生一次——这大约相当于一个土星年的时间。大白斑是土星上的一种大气现象,定期在土星上出现,其大小通常会大到在地球上用望远镜便可看 到。大白斑有时会达到数千公里宽。土星大白斑的出现具有周期性,从地球上的望远镜进行观测时可显著地看到这种较大结构的风暴,并且它具有典型的白色特征。
    土星直径约为119300公里(为地球的9.5倍),是太阳系的第二大行星。它与邻居木星 十分相像,表面也是液态氢和氦的海洋,上方同样覆盖着厚厚的云层。土星上狂风肆虐,沿东西方向的风速可超过每小时1600公里,土星上空的云层就是这些狂 风造成的。(来源:科学时报 赵路)
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