有氧耐力是人体从事耐力性运动的重要能力,最大摄氧量是客观评价人体心肺功能的一项综合生理指标,本文对有氧耐力的重要测试指标最大摄氧量和无氧阈在有氧耐力评价中的作用及其影响因素进行了综合分析,并梳理了有氧耐力训练的新方法。耐力性项目的运动成绩与最大摄氧量关系紧密,而无氧阈在评定有氧耐力水平、制订有氧耐力训练强度等许多方面亦具有较强的指导意义。有氧耐力训练在很多项目训练中占有重要地位,掌握科学的有氧耐力训练方法对提高运动员的专项竞技水平起着关键性作用。 Aerobic endurance refers to the important ability of human body in the exercise of endurance. VO2max is a comprehensive physiological index for evaluating cardiopulmonary function. The paper ana- lyzes the functions of the important test indices of VO2max and anaerobic threshold in the evaluation of aerobic endurance and the influence factors. It also sorts out the new training methods of aerobic endurance. The results of endurance sports are closely connected with VO2max. Anaerobic threshold has great guid...