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1 tobeynichol 添加于 2009-10-20 21:42 | 2116 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    谈艳, 陈文鹤, 李国强, 徐猛伟, 陈群
  •  摘 要

    运用文献资料法、特尔斐法、测试法,对普通基层特警队员系统体能训练前后的体能指标进行跟踪测试。结果显示:经过系统体能训练后特警队员的大部分体能指标均有所提高,并呈显著性差异。提示:系统的体能训练方法对提高特警队员的体能是可行的,在原有体能项目考核基础上,制定适用于普通基层特警队员的体能考核标准。 Using the methods of literature,Delphi,and testing,it carried out a following-up measurement of gross-rcots common special police's physical ability indexes before and after systematical physical ability training.The results reveal that after systematical physical ability training,the most physical ability indexes of them have been improved to a certain extent and presented significant difference,which show that the method of systematical physical ability training is feasible to improve special police's phy...
  •  详细资料

    • 关键词: 基层特警; 基础体能训练; 体能考核标准; gross-roots special police; basic physical ability training; criterion of examining physical ability;
    • 文献种类:期刊
    • 期刊名称: 上海体育学院学报
    • 期卷页: 2008  4
    • 地址: 上海体育学院运动科学学院; 上海体育学院附属竞技体育学校; 上海市公安局杨浦分局;
    • 日期: 2009-05-06
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