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有读书笔记有附件Don't look stupid: avoiding pitfalls when recommending research papers

2 阿平 添加于 2009-10-21 04:04 | 3133 次阅读 | 4 个评论
  •  作 者

    McNee SM, Kapoor N, Konstan JA
  •  摘 要

    If recommenders are to help people be more productive, they need to support a wide variety of real-world information seeking tasks, such as those found when seeking research papers in a digital library. There are many potential pitfalls, including not knowing what tasks to support, generating recommendations for the wrong task, or even failing to generate any meaningful recommendations whatsoever. We posit that different recommender algorithms are better suited to certain information seeking tasks. In this work, we perform a detailed user study with over 130 users to understand these differences between recommender algorithms through an online survey of paper recommendations from the ACM Digital Library. We found that pitfalls are hard to avoid. Two of our algorithms generated 'atypical' recommendations recommendations that were unrelated to their input baskets. Users reacted accordingly, providing strong negative results for these algorithms. Results from our 'typical' algorithms show some qualitative differences, but since users were exposed to two algorithms, the results may be biased. We present a wide variety of results, teasing out differences between algorithms. Finally, we succinctly summarize our most striking results as "Don't Look Stupid" in front of users.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类:会议
    • 会议: the 2006 20th anniversary conference
    • 期卷页: 2006  171
    • 出版社: ACM Press
    • 位置: Banff, Alberta, Canada
    • 日期: 2006-
    • ISBN: 1595932496
  •  标 签

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!reply! cindycppsu 2011-2-18 11:25
!reply! 阿平 2011-2-19 01:01
cindycppsu: 新科学非常棒!我看国外有mendeley,琢磨国内是否也有相似的网站,果然就找到了新科学,感觉比mendeley还舒服!加油! ...
!reply! wwhasxl0911 2011-5-9 02:33
!reply! 阿平 2011-5-9 02:48
wwhasxl0911: Mendeley很好用,而且文献很多。对文献的管理很细,比如你存储了一篇文章,页面旁边就可以注明作者,关键词,摘要,时间,城市,出版商等。除了这些细节,还可以 ...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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