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BIOSINO 我国的核酸序列公共数据库
BIOSINO 我国的核酸序列公共数据库
EMBL - EMBL Nucleotide sequence database (EBI) *
GenBank - GenBank Nucleotide Sequence database (NCBI) *
DDBJ - DNA Data Bank of Japan *
dbEST - Database of Expressed Sequence Tags  (NCBI)
dbSTS - Database of Sequence Tagged Sites (NCBI)  

Genomic Databases
GenomeWeb(HGMP) - A catalogue of useful Web sites for Genomics with a set of collections of genome databases  
GSDB - Genome Sequence database (NCGR)
GOLD - Genomes On-line db
DOGS - Database of Genome Sizes
Genomics web site (John Wiley & Sons Ltd) (The Genomics website at Wiley is a new and DYNAMIC resource for the genomics community, offering FREE special feature articles and new information EACH MONTH.)
HUGO - HUman Genome Organization 

NDB - Nucleic Acid Databank (3D structures)
BNASDB - Nucleic acid structure db from University of Pune  

4 转基因数据库(Transgenics)
Cre Transgenic Database - Cre transgenic mouse lines
Transgenic/Targeted Mutation Database - Information on transgenic animals and targeted mutations
AsDb - Aberrant Splicing db

ACUTS - Ancient conserved untranslated DNA sequences db

Codon Usage Db  - The frequency of codon use in each organism is made searchable through this World Wide Web site.

EPD - Eukaryotic Promoter db

HOVERGEN - Homologous Vertebrate Genes db

IMGT - ImMunoGeneTics db [Mirror at EBI]

ISIS - Intron Sequence and Information System

RDP - Ribosomal db Project

gRNAs db - Guide RNA db

PLACE - Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements db

PlantCARE - Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements db

sRNA db - Small RNA db

ssu rRNA - Small ribosomal subunit db

lsu rRNA - Large ribosomal subunit db

5S rRNA - 5S ribosomal RNA db

tmRNA Website

tmRDB - tmRNA dB

tRNA - tRNA compilation from the University of Bayreuth

uRNADB - uRNA db

RNA editing - RNA editing site

RNAmod db - RNA modification db

TelDB - Multimedia Telomere Resource

TRADAT - TRAnscription Databases and Analysis Tools

Subviral RNA db - Small circular RNAs db (viroid and viroid-like) MPDB - Molecular probe db

OPD - Oligonucleotide probe db

VectorDB - Vector sequence db
ASDB - Protein products and expression patterns of alternatively-spliced genes
Axeldb - Gene expression in Xenopus
BodyMap - Human and mouse gene expression data
EpoDB - Genes expressed in vertebrate RBC
FlyView - Drosophila development and genetics
Gene Expression Database (GXD) - Mouse gene expression and genomics
Kidney Development Database - Kidney development and gene expression
MAGEST - Ascidian (Halocynthia roretzi) gene expression patterns
Mouse Atlas and Gene Expression Database - Spatially-mapped gene expression data
PEDB - Normal and aberrant prostate gene expression
Tooth Development Database - Gene expression in dental tissue
TRIPLES - TRansposon-Insertion Phenotypes, Localization and Expression in Saccharomyces



SWISS-PROT - SWISS-PROT annotated protein sequence db
PIR-international -The Protein Information Resource (protein sequence)
MIPS - Martinsried institute for protein sequence and homology data and yeast genome information
PROSITE - PROSITE dictionary of protein sites and patterns
InterPro - Integrated Resources of Proteins Domains and Functional Sites
DOMO - Protein domain db (Automatically generated)
Pfam - Protein families db (HMM derived) [Mirror at Sanger]
PRINTS - Protein Motif fingerprint db
ProDom - Protein domain db (Automatically generated)
PROTOMAP - An automatic hierarchical classification of SWISS-PROT proteins
SBASE - SBASE domain db (Protein domain sequence library)
SMART - Protein signalling and extracellular domain patterns (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool)
ProClass - Protein sequence alignments and curation of protein families
Kabat - Kabat db of protein of immunological interest
PMD - Protein Mutant db

PDB - Protein Data Bank [Mirrors in EBI]
BioMagResBank - Repository for data on proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids from NMR spectroscopy
SWISS-MODEL Repository - Automatically generated protein models db
ModBase - Db of comparative protein structure models
CATH - UCL BSM structural classification of proteins
SCOP - Structural classification of proteins [Mirror at USA | Israel | Singapore | Australia]
Mol_R_Us - Molecules R Us, browser for PDB
BMM Domain Server - Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory (ICRF) protein domain server
PRESAGE - Collaborative resource for structural genomics
ReLiBase - Receptor/ligand complexes db [Mirror in USA]
TOPS - Protein topology atlas
CCDC - Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (Cambridge Stuctural Db (CSD)) 
HSSP - Homology-derived secondary structure of proteins db
SWISS-3DIMAGE - 3D images of proteins and other biological macromolecules
BioImage - Biological image db (contains imaging data on macromolecules)  


WORLD-2DPAGE - A complete index of 2D-PAGE db and servers
Phoretix links - Phoretix page of links to 2D gel db


DIP - Db of Interacting Proteins
INTERACT - Protein-Protein interaction db
ProNet - Protein-Protein interaction db 
CANSITE - Signal Transduction's Web
SPAD - Signaling pathway db
CSNDB - Cell Signaling Networks db  


DPInteract - DNA-Proteins interactions db

CarbBank - Complex Carbohydrate Structure Database
GlycoSuiteDB - Db of glycan structures
TGN - The Glycoscience Network
FCCA - Forum Carbohydrates Coming of Age
CARBHYD - Carbohydrate information WWW sites
Monosacharide browser - Space filling Fischer projection for monosaccharides

六 、蛋白质翻译后修饰相关数据库

O-GlycBase - O-glycosylated proteins db
PhosphoBase - Phosphorylation sites db
RESID - Db of Amino Acid Modifications
HMGD - Human Gene Mutation db
SVD - Sequence variation db
HGBASE - Human Genic Bi-Allelic Sequences db
The SNP consortium
dbSNP - Human single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) db  
List of mutation databases from OMIM
List of mutation databases from IMT (Finland)  
ADB - Albinism db (Mutations in human genes causing albinism)
Alpha-glucosidase - Information about human acid alpha-glucosidase (GSD-II)
AR mutations - Human androgen receptor mutation db
Antithrombin mutation db
Asthma and Allergy gene db
BIOMDB - Db of mutations causing tetrahydrobiopterin deficiencies
BLMbase - Human BLM mutation db (Bloom snydrom)
BTKbase - Human BTK mutation db (X-linked agammaglobulinemia)
CD40Lbase - Human CD40 ligand mutation db
COL1/3 mutation - Human Type I and III collagen mutation db
CFTR mutation - Human cystic fibrosis mutation db (CFTR)
EMD db - Human Emerin (EMD) mutation db (Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy)
KMeyeDB - Eye disease genes db
FVII mutation - Human Factor VII mutation db
HAMSTeRS - Human Factor VIII mutation db (Haemophilia A)
HAeMB - Human Factor IX mutation db (Haemophilia B)
FBN1 mutation - Human fibrillin 1 mutation db (Marfan syndrome)
G6PD - Human G6PD deficiency resource
Galt mutation - Human galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase mutation db (Galactosemia)
HEXAdb - Human Hexosaminidase A mutation db (Tay-sachs disease)

IL2RGbase - Human IL2RG (Interleukin-2 receptor gamma) mutation db (X-SCID)
L1CAM mutation - Human L1CAM mutation db
LDLR mutation - Human LDLR mutation db (Familial hypercholesterolemia)
LQTSdb - Long QT syndrome db
NCF1base - Human NCF1 mutation db
NCF2base - Human NCF2 mutation db
Neuromuscular diseases web site
NCL - Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses mutation db
OTCase - Human ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase) website
Cytochrome P450 alleles nomenclature
p53 mutation db - University of Tokyo p53 mutation db
Germline p53 mutation db - University of Prague db of germline p53 mutations
PAHdb - Human phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) mutation db
PAX6 mutation - Human PAX6 mutation db
Prion - Prion and prion disease web site
RAG1base - Human RAG1 mutation db
RAG2base - Human RAG2 mutation db
RB1base - Human retinoblastoma-associated protein (RB) mutation db
RetNet - Retinal Information Network
Retina International Scientific Newsletter - Information on Retinal genes, proteins and diseases
TSC - TSC (TSC1/TSC2) variation db
TSC2 - Cardiff-Rotterdam Tuberous Sclerosis (TS) db (Tuberin; TSC2)
TGDB - Tumor gene db
VMD2 mutation - Human VMD2 mutation db
vWF mutation - Human von Willebrand factor (vWF) mutation db
WRN - Human WRN mutation db (Warner disease)
WT1 mutation - Human WT1 mutation db
X-ALD mutation - Human ABCD1 mutation db
PhosphositePlus 蛋白磷酸化位点 http://www.phosphosite.org


Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) - Phylogenetic classification of proteins from 21 complete genomes
XREFdb - Cross-referencing of model organism genetics with mammalian phenotypes  
TreeBASE - Relational db of phylogenetic information
The Tree of life - Collection of WWW pages on phylogeny and biodiversity of organisms


DPD - DNA Patent db
Ag Patents - Agricultural Biotechnology patents from the USDA  
USPTO patent db - USA Patent and Trademark Office patent db
Esp@cenet - Patent information database from the European Patent Office (worldwide coverage)
The Delphion Intellectual Property Network (IPN)  for searching, viewing, and analyzing patent documents


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