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2中科院上海神经科学研究所,所长: 蒲慕明
3. 中科院上海生化细胞所
5. 中科院北京遗传发育研究所



国立北京生命科学研究所的代表性年轻PI: 邵峰,罗敏敏,马力耕,柴继杰。

2008年代表文章: .

Lin G, Xu N, Xi R Paracrine Wingless signalling controls self-renewal of
Drosophila intestinal stem cells Nature , 2008 September 21.

Zhou C, Rao Yong, Rao Y A subset of octopaminergic neurons are important for
Drosophila aggression Nature Neuroscience, 2008 August 1

Yan Z, Tan J, Qin C, Lu Y, Ding C, Luo M Precise Circuitry Links
Bilaterally Symmetric Olfactory Maps. Neuron. 58, 613–624, May 22, 2008

Zhao R, Xuan Y, Li X, Xi R. Age-related changes of germline stem cell
activity, niche signaling activity and egg production in Drosophila. Aging
Cell. 2008 Mar 2

Mi S, Cai T, Hu Y, Chen Y, Hodges E, Ni H, Wu L, Li S, Zhou H, Long C, Chen
S, Hannon GJ, Qi Y, Sorting of Small RNAs into Arabidopsis Argonaute
Complexes Is Directed by the 5′Terminal Nucleotide. Cell. 133, 1–12, April
4, 2008

Lu Q, Zhang Y, Hu T, Guo P, Li W, Wang X. C. elegans Rab GTPase 2 is
required for the degradation of apoptotic cells. Development 135, 1069-1080
(2008); Epub 2008
Feng S, Martinez C, Gusmaroli G, Wang Y, Zhou J, Wang F, Chen L, Yu L,
Iglesias-Pedraz JM, Kircher S, Schäfer E, Fu X, Fan LM, Deng XW.
Coordinated regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana development by light and
gibberellins. Nature. 2008 Jan 24; 451(7177):475-9.
Chen L, Wang H, Zhang J, Gu L, Huang N, Zhou JM, Chai J. Structural basis
for the catalytic mechanism of phosphothreonine lyase. Nat Struct Mol Biol.
2008 Jan; 15(1):101-2. Epub 2007 Dec 16.

Zhu Y, Li H, Long C, Hu L, Xu H, Liu L, Chen S, Wang DC, and Shao F.
Structural Insights into the Enzymatic Mechanism of the Pathogenic MAPK
Phosphothreonine Lyase. Molecular Cell (2007), 2007 Dec 14; 28(5):899-913.

Lin J, Zhou T, Ye K, Wang J. Crystal structure of human mitoNEET reveals
distinct groups of iron sulfur proteins.PNAS. 2007 Sep 11; 104(37):14640-5.
Epub 2007 Aug 31.
Hu J, Zhong C, Ding C, Chi Q, Walz A, Mombaerts P, Matsunami H, Luo M.
Detection of Near-Atmospheric Concentrations of CO2 by an Olfactory
Subsystem in the Mouse. Science. VOL 317, 17 AUGUST 2007

Xing W, Zou Y, Liu Q, Liu J, Luo X, Huang Q, Chen S, Zhu L, Bi R, Hao Q, Wu
JW, Zhou JM & Chai J. The structural basis for activation of plant immunity
by bacterial effector protein AvrPto. Nature. 2007 Sep 13; 449(7159):243-7.
Epub 2007 Aug 12

Zhao T, Li G, Mi S, Li S, Hannon GJ, Wang XJ and Qi Y. A complex system of
small RNAs in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Gene &
Development. 2007 May 15; 21(10):1190-203.

Liu X, Yue Y, Li B, Nie Y, Li W, Wu WH, Ma L. A G Protein–Coupled Receptor
Is a Plasma Membrane Receptor for the Plant Hormone Abscisic Acid. Science.
2007 Mar 23; 315(5819):1712-6. Epub 2007 Mar 8

Li H, Xu H, Zhou Y, Zhang J, Long C, Li S, Chen S, Zhou JM, Shao F. The
phosphothreonine lyase activity of a bacterial type III effector family.
Science. 2007 Feb 16; 315(5814):1000-3.

Yang Y, Sun Y, Luo X, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Tian E, Lints R, and Zhang H.
Polycomb-like genes are necessary for specification of dopaminergic and
serotonergic neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans. PNAS, vol. 104, 852–857。

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Sothwestern of China Development&Stem Cell Instrument
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