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有读书笔记Eocene lizard from Germany reveals amphisbaenian origins

唐唐 添加于 2011-5-22 04:24 | 3109 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Müller J, Hipsley CA, Head JJ, Kardjilov N, Hilger A, Wuttke M, Reisz RR
  •  摘 要

    Amphisbaenia is a speciose clade of fossorial lizards characterized by a snake-like body and a strongly reinforced skull adapted for head-first burrowing1, 2. The evolutionary origins of amphisbaenians are controversial, with molecular data uniting them with lacertids3, 4, a clade of Old World terrestrial lizards, whereas morphology supports a grouping with snakes and other limbless squamates5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Reports of fossil stem amphisbaenians10 have been falsified11, and no fossils have previously tested these competing phylogenetic hypotheses or shed light on ancestral amphisbaenian ecology. Here we report the discovery of a new lacertid-like lizard from the Eocene Messel locality of Germany that provides the first morphological evidence for lacertid–amphisbaenian monophyly on the basis of a reinforced, akinetic skull roof and braincase, supporting the view that body elongation and limblessness in amphisbaenians and snakes evolved independently. Morphometric analysis of body shape and ecology in squamates indicates that the postcranial anatomy of the new taxon is most consistent with opportunistically burrowing habits, which in combination with cranial reinforcement indicates that head-first burrowing evolved before body elongation and may have been a crucial first step in the evolution of amphisbaenian fossoriality.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Nature
    • 期刊缩写: Nature
    • 期卷页: 2011  473 7347 364-367
    • ISBN: 0028-0836
  • 学科领域 农业科学 » 畜牧兽医科学

  • 相关链接 DOI URL 

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    (图片提供:Robert Reisz,Gary Nafis)
    德国柏林市洪堡大学的古生物学家Johannes Müller和同事在5月18日的《自然》杂志网络版上报告说,这具近乎完整的Cryptolacerta hassiaca小蜥蜴的骨架化石(左图所示)具有与现代蚓蜥一样粗大的头骨特征,而这种爬行动物依然保存着前肢与后肢。
    蚓蜥主要分布于非洲和南美洲。它是一种穴居的神秘的爬行动物,外表和习性均与蚓螈类似。蚓蜥是食肉动物,其有力的牙齿可把猎物撕成大块。一些蚓蜥物种可以像蜥蜴一样在遇到危险时断开尾巴以逃跑。大部分蚓蜥会产卵,不过也有一些蚓蜥是胎生。(来源:科学时报 赵路)
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