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有读书笔记Three classical Cepheid variable stars in the nuclear bulge of the Milky Way

唐唐 添加于 2011-8-27 01:07 | 2931 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Matsunaga N, Kawadu T, Nishiyama S, Nagayama T, Kobayashi N, Tamura M, Bono G, Feast MW, Nagata T
  •  摘 要

    The nuclear bulge is a region with a radius of about 200 parsecs around the centre of the Milky Way1. It contains stars with ages2, 3, 4 ranging from a few million years to over a billion years, yet its star-formation history and the triggering process for star formation remain to be resolved. Recently, episodic star formation, powered by changes in the gas content, has been suggested5. Classical Cepheid variable stars have pulsation periods that decrease with increasing age6, so it is possible to probe the star-formation history on the basis of the distribution of their periods7, 8. Here we report the presence of three classical Cepheids in the nuclear bulge with pulsation periods of approximately 20 days, within 40 parsecs (projected distance) of the central black hole. No Cepheids with longer or shorter periods were found. We infer that there was a period about 25 million years ago, and possibly lasting until recently, in which star formation increased relative to the period of 30–70 million years ago.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Nature
    • 期刊缩写: Nature
    • 期卷页: 2011
    • ISBN: 0028-0836
  • 学科领域 自然科学 » 天文学

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  •  唐唐 的文献笔记  订阅

    这3颗恒星的光变周期都是20天左右,显示它们诞生于约2500万年前。由于造父变星在恒 星中很罕见,如此集中出现造父变星可能意味着大量恒星在同一时期诞生。研究人员计算后认为,在2000万年前到3000万年前,银河系核球里恒星诞生的活 动比较剧烈,并有可能一直持续到距现在很近的时期。
    相关论文于8月24日发表于英国《自然》杂志网络版上。(来源:新华网 蓝建中)
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