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有读书笔记PARKAGENT: An agent-based model of parking in the city

唐唐 添加于 2011-11-4 05:58 | 3111 次阅读 | 0 个评论
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    In this paper, we present PARKAGENT, an agent-based, spatially explicit model for parking in the city. Unlike traditional parking models, PARKAGENT simulates the behavior of each driver in a spatially explicit environment and is able to capture the complex self-organizing dynamics of a large collective of parking agents within a non-homogeneous (road) space. The model generates distributions of key values like search time, walking distance, and parking costs over different driver groups. It is developed as an ArcGIS application, and can work with a practically unlimited number of drivers. The advantages of the model are illustrated using a real-life case from Tel Aviv. Taking detailed data from field surveys, the model is used to study the impact of additional parking supply in a residential area with a shortage of parking places. The PARKAGENT model shows that additional parking supply linearly affects the occurrence of extreme values, but has only a weak impact on the average search time for a parking place or the average walking distance between the parking place and the destination.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
    • 期刊缩写: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
    • 期卷页: 2008  32 6 431-439
    • ISBN: 0198-9715
  • 学科领域 信息系统 » 理论信息学

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    现代城市中停车难的问题日益突出,它不仅为驾车者带来了困扰,也让本来就很糟糕的交通状况 雪上加霜。据美国物理学家组织网11月1日报道,以色列和荷兰科学家日前开发出一种模拟软件,能够将与停车相关的因素都“考虑”在内,对现有情况进行评估 测试,帮助市政管理人员作出更为科学的规划,制定更有效的政策,提高车位利用率,使停车难的问题得到缓解。相关论文发表在最新出版的《计算机、环境与城市 系统》(Computers, Environment and Urban Systems)杂志上。
    这个名为PARKAGENT的模拟软件已在以色列和欧洲进行了测试。该软件涉及停车政策、 司机、停车管理员、道路、建筑物和停车场等要素,能够估算出司机寻找车位的时间、从泊位到目的地的距离以及他们愿意负担的费用。根据这些信息,市政管理人 员能直观地发现问题所在并做出修改,从而提高车位利用率和交通效率。
    以北美和以色列为例,至少有两点应该做出修改:一是路边泊位的费用往往比路外停车场的费用 更便宜,二是车位紧张的停车场在停车时间上没有严格限制。前者导致司机花费更多的时间寻找便宜的车位,从而造成拥堵;后者严重影响了车位的利用率。如果所 有驾车者都能尽快就近停车的话,城市交通将会更为高效。
    利维预测说,随着城市人口的日渐密集,私家车将成为效率低下、阻碍城市流动的主要因素。未来人们将以公共交通系统、自行车以及拼车出行为主,私家车将被逐步取代。(来源:科技日报 王小龙)
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