Unification of fluctuation theorems and one-shot statistical mechanics
zqyin 添加于 2014-9-16 09:46
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作 者
Halpern NY, Garner AJP, Dahlsten OCO, Vedral V
摘 要
Fluctuation-dissipation relations, such as Crooks\' Theorem and Jarzynski\'s Equality, are powerful tools in quantum and classical nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. We link these relations to a newer approach known as \"one-shot statistical mechanics.\" Rooted in one-shot information theory, one-shot statistical mechanics concerns statements true of every implementation of a protocol, not only of averages. We show that two general models for work extraction in the presence of heat baths obey fluctuation relations and one-shot results. We demonstrate the usefulness of this bridge between frameworks in several ways. Using Crooks\' Theorem, we derive a bound on one-shot work quantities. These bounds are tighter, in certain parameter regimes, than a bound in the fluctuation literature and a bound in the one-shot literature. Our bounds withstand tests by numerical simulations of an information-theoretic Carnot engine. By analyzing data from DNA-hairpin experiments, we show that experiments used to test fluctuation theorems also test one-shot results. Additionally, we derive one-shot analogs of a known equality between a relative entropy and the average work dissipated as heat. Our unification of experimentally tested fluctuation relations with one-shot statistical mechanics is intended to bridge one-shot theory to applications. -
- 关键词: cond-mat.stat-mech; quant-ph
- 文献种类: Manual Script
- 期卷页: 2014年
- 日期: 2014-9-13
- 发布方式: arXiv e-prints
- 备注:arXiv:1409.3878v1; 46 pages, 7 figures
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