The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy
zqyin 添加于 2014-9-16 10:18
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作 者
Rio L del, Aberg J, Renner R, Dahlsten O, Vedral V
摘 要
Landauer\'s erasure principle exposes an intrinsic relation between thermodynamics and information theory: the erasure of information stored in a system, S, requires an amount of work proportional to the entropy of that system. This entropy, H(S|O), depends on the information that a given observer, O, has about S, and the work necessary to erase a system may therefore vary for different observers. Here, we consider a general setting where the information held by the observer may be quantum-mechanical, and show that an amount of work proportional to H(S|O) is still sufficient to erase S. Since the entropy H(S|O) can now become negative, erasing a system can result in a net gain of work (and a corresponding cooling of the environment). -
- 关键词: quant-ph
- 文献种类: Journal Article
- 期刊名称: Nature
- 期卷页: 2011年 第474卷 61-63页
- 日期: 2011-6-27
- 发布方式: arXiv e-prints
- 备注:arXiv:1009.1630v2; Added clarification on non-cyclic erasure and reversible computation (Appendix E). For a new version of all technical proofs see the Supplementary Information of the journal version (free access); Journal Ref: Nature 474, 61--63 (2011)
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