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Observation of generalized optomechanical coupling and cooling on cavity resonance

zqyin 添加于 2014-9-19 09:35 | 1149 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Sawadsky A, Kaufer H, Nia RM, Tarabrin SP, Khalili FY, Hammerer K, Schnabel R
  •  摘 要

    Optomechanical coupling between a light field and the motion of a cavity mirror via radiation pressure plays an important role for the exploration of macroscopic quantum physics and for the detection of gravitational waves (GWs). It has been used to cool mechanical oscillators into their quantum ground states and has been considered to boost the sensitivity of GW detectors, e.g. via the optical spring effect. Here, we present the experimental characterization of generalized, that is, dispersive and dissipative optomechanical coupling, with a macroscopic (1.5mm)^2-sized silicon nitride (SiN) membrane in a cavity-enhanced Michelson-type interferometer. We report for the first time strong optomechanical cooling based on dissipative coupling, even on cavity resonance, in excellent agreement with theory. Our result will allow for new experimental regimes in macroscopic quantum physics and GW detection.
  •  详细资料

    • 关键词: quant-ph; cond-mat.mes-hall; gr-qc; physics.optics
    • 文献种类: Manual Script
    • 期卷页: 2014
    • 日期: 2014-9-11
    • 发布方式: arXiv e-prints
    • 备注:arXiv:1409.3398v1
  • 学科领域 自然科学 » 物理学

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