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Cooling a Mechanical Resonator with a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Ensemble Using a Room Temperature Excited State Spin-Strain Interaction

zqyin 添加于 2016-5-24 09:48 | 1314 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    MacQuarrie ER, Otten M, Gray SK, Fuchs GD
  •  摘 要

    We propose a protocol to dissipatively cool a room temperature mechanical resonator using a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center ensemble. The spin ensemble is coupled to the resonator through its orbitally-averaged excited state, which has a spin-strain interaction that has not been previously characterized. We experimentally demonstrate that the spin-strain coupling in the excited state is $13.5pm0.5$ times stronger than the ground state spin-strain coupling. We then theoretically show that this interaction combined with a high-density spin ensemble enables the cooling of a mechanical resonator from room temperature to a fraction of its thermal phonon occupancy.
  •  详细资料

    • 关键词: quant-ph; cond-mat.mes-hall
    • 文献种类: Manual Script
    • 期卷页: 2016
    • 日期: 2016-5-24
    • 发布方式: arXiv e-prints
    • 备注:arXiv:1605.07131v1; Main text is 11 pages in preprint formatting, with 4 figures. Also included is 17 pages of supporting information including 7 supporting figures
  • 学科领域 自然科学 » 物理学

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