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Generalized nonreciprocity in an optomechanical circuit via synthetic magnetism and reservoir engineering

zqyin 添加于 2016-8-15 09:39 | 1285 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Fang K, Luo J, Metelmann A, Matheny MH, Marquardt F, Clerk AA, Painter O
  •  摘 要

    Synthetic magnetism has been used to control charge neutral excitations for applications ranging from classical beam steering to quantum simulation. In optomechanics, radiation-pressure-induced parametric coupling between optical (photon) and mechanical (phonon) excitations may be used to break time-reversal symmetry, providing the prerequisite for synthetic magnetism. Here we design and fabricate a silicon optomechanical circuit with both optical and mechanical connectivity between two optomechanical cavities. Driving the two cavities with phase-correlated laser light results in a synthetic magnetic flux, which in combination with dissipative coupling to the mechanical bath, leads to nonreciprocal transport of photons with 35dB of isolation. Additionally, optical pumping with blue-detuned light manifests as a particle non-conserving interaction between photons and phonons, resulting in directional optical amplification of 12dB in the isolator through direction. These results indicate the feasibility of utilizing optomechanical circuits to create a more general class of nonreciprocal optical devices, and further, to enable novel topological phases for both light and sound on a microchip.
  •  详细资料

    • 关键词: physics.optics; quant-ph
    • 文献种类: Manual Script
    • 期卷页: 2016
    • 日期: 2016-8-12
    • 发布方式: arXiv e-prints
    • 备注:arXiv:1608.03620v1; 18 pages, 8 figures, 4 appendices
  • 学科领域 自然科学 » 物理学

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