Two-dimensional lattice solitons in polariton condensates with spin-orbit coupling
beimu1009 添加于 2016-10-23 23:56
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作 者
Kartashov YV, Skryabin DV
摘 要
We study two-dimensional fundamental and vortex solitons in polariton condensates with spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman splitting evolving in square arrays of microcavity pillars. Due to repulsive excitonic nonlinearity such states are encountered in finite gaps in the spectrum of the periodic array. Spin-orbit coupling between two polarization components stemming from TE-TM energy splitting of the cavity photons acting together with Zeeman splitting lifts the degeneracy between vortex solitons with opposite topological charges and makes their density profiles different for a fixed energy. This results in formation of four distinct families of vortex solitons with topological charges m=+-1, all of which can be stable. At the same time, only two stable families of fundamental gap solitons characterized by domination of different polarization components are encountered. -
- 关键词: physics.optics; cond-mat.quant-gas; nlin.PS
- 文献种类: Manual Script
- 期卷页: 2016年
- 日期: 2016-10-18
- 发布方式: arXiv e-prints
- 备注:arXiv:1610.05286v1; 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Optics Letters
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