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有读书笔记Seed phosphorus (P) content affects growth, and P uptake of wheat plants and their association with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi

1 saturn_sun 添加于 2010-4-26 10:03 | 2983 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Zhu, Y-G., Smith, S E
  •  摘 要

    Abstract: Two experiments were carried out in a growth chamber and a naturally lit glasshouse to investigate the influence of seed phosphorus (P) reserves on growth and P uptake by wheat plants (Triticum aestivum cv Krichauff), and their association with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Increased seed P reserves improved plant growth at a range of P supply up to over 100 mg P kg-1 soil. Plants grown from seeds with high P reserves tended to accumulate more P from soil, which was mainly attributed to better root system development. Mycorrhizal colonisation did not significantly affect P uptake of plants grown with low irradiance (in growth chamber). However, in the naturally lit glasshouse, mycorrhizal plants had significantly higher P concentrations than non-mycorrhizal plants. Furthermore, mycorrhizal plants grown from seeds low in P accumulated similar amounts of P compared with those grown from seeds with high P, indicating that mycorrhizal colonisation may overcome the disadvantage of having low seed P reserves in the field.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Plant and Soil
    • 期刊缩写: Plant Soil
    • 期卷页: 2001  231 1 105-112
    • 日期: 2001-4-1
  • 学科领域 农业科学 » 农学

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    关键词:生长反应、菌根、磷吸收、种子磷储量、Triticum aestivum


    摘要:在生长箱和天然光照温室内进行两个试验来调查种子P储量对于小麦植物(Triticum aestivum)的生长和P吸收的影响以及它们与灌木菌根真菌之间的联系。在P的一系列超过100mg P/kg土壤的供应下,种子P储量的增加改善了植物生长。从高P储量的种子生长出来的植物趋向于从土壤中积累更多的P,这主要归功于更好的根系发展。菌根寄生没有显著地影响低辐照度生长植物P的吸收。此外,从低P含量种子生长出来的菌根植物与那些从高P含量种子生长出来的菌根植物相比,积累了相似量的P,这表明菌根寄生可能克服在野外含有低种子P储量的缺点。

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