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有读书笔记有附件PP1/Repo-Man Dephosphorylates Mitotic Histone H3 at T3 and Regulates Chromosomal Aurora B Targeting

阿平 添加于 2011-4-28 23:29 | 4114 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Qian J, Lesage B, Beullens M, Van Eynde A, Bollen M
  •  摘 要

    The transient mitotic histone H3 phosphorylation by various protein kinases regulates chromosome condensation and segregation, but the counteracting phosphatases have been poorly characterized [1-8]. We show here that PP1gamma is the major histone H3 phosphatase acting on the mitotically phosphorylated (ph) residues H3T3ph, H3S10ph, H3T11ph, and H3S28ph. In addition, we identify Repo-Man, a chromosome-bound interactor of PP1gamma [9], as a selective regulator of H3T3ph and H3T11ph dephosphorylation. Repo-Man promotes H3T11ph dephosphorylation by an indirect mechanism but directly and specifically targets H3T3ph for dephosphorylation by associated PP1gamma. The PP1gamma/Repo-Man complex opposes the protein kinase Haspin-mediated spreading of H3T3ph to the chromosome arms until metaphase and catalyzes the net dephosphorylation of H3T3ph at the end of mitosis. Consistent with these findings, Repo-Man modulates in a PP1-dependent manner the H3T3ph-regulated chromosomal targeting of Aurora kinase B and its substrate MCAK. Our study defines a novel mechanism by which PP1 counteracts Aurora B.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Current Biology : CB
    • 期刊缩写: Curr Biol
    • 期卷页: 2011
    • 地址: Laboratory of Biosignaling and Therapeutics, Department of Molecular Cell Biology, University of Leuven, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium
    • 日期: 2011-4-20
    • ISBN: 0960-9822
    • 备注:PMID:21514157
  • 学科领域 生物医药 » 生物学

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    表遗传   细胞周期  
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    在2010年10月,美国Science杂志同期刊登了三篇来自不同实验室的文章,这三篇文章报道了一个共同的发现,那就是在有丝分裂期间组蛋白H3上的T3位点的磷酸化,决定了激酶Aurora B在染色体上的定位。而Aurora B的定位对细胞完成正确的分裂是至关重要的,如果定位出现错误,细胞分裂就会出现障碍,甚至染色体无法平均分配到子代细胞,从而产生异倍体子代细胞,进而转化为肿瘤细胞。科学家已经找到了T3位点的激酶Haspin,Haspin可以使T3位点磷酸化。但是还未找到相应的蛋白磷酸酶去负责去磷酸化。这给整个调控机制蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。

    现在,通过我们实验室同仁的努力,终于找到了这个蛋白磷酸酶PP1,并且找到的其调控亚单位蛋白Repo-Man。我们发现PP1可以负责去磷酸化多个组蛋白位点,并且鉴定了PP1gamma为主要负责酶。最具挑战性的是寻找PP1的调控亚单位蛋白,我们通过RNAi 筛选的方法发现敲除Repo-Man后特定位点的组蛋白去磷酸化会被延迟,其中包括T3和T11,但是并不影响S10和S28。通过离体的方法,我们发现Repo-Man可以帮助PP1gamma直接去磷酸化T3位点。接着,在调整Repo-Man蛋白表达量后,我们又通过共聚焦显微镜观察细胞内T3位点磷酸化状态。我们发现T3磷酸化状态确实受PP1/Repo-Man控制,通过这种控制改变磷酸化状态后,Aurora B的定位也会出现异常。从而也印证了之前其他研究组从Haspin角度出发的研究。

    在蛋白磷酸酶得到确认后,我们不难发现,组蛋白H3的T3磷酸化状态受到激酶Haspin和蛋白磷酸酶PP1/Repo-Man共同调控,只有两者互相协调,T3才会以适当的程度被磷酸化在适当的位置,从而调控Aurora B的定位,以准确的方式完成有丝分裂。


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