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有读书笔记Strontium isotope evidence for landscape use by early hominins

聚焦生物 添加于 2011-6-5 17:56 | 3000 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Copeland SR, Sponheimer M, de Ruiter DJ, Lee-Thorp JA, Codron D, le Roux PJ, Grimes V, Richards MP
  •  摘 要

    Ranging and residence patterns among early hominins have been indirectly inferred from morphology1, 2, stone-tool sourcing3, referential models4, 5 and phylogenetic models6, 7, 8. However, the highly uncertain nature of such reconstructions limits our understanding of early hominin ecology, biology, social structure and evolution. We investigated landscape use in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus from the Sterkfontein and Swartkrans cave sites in South Africa using strontium isotope analysis, a method that can help to identify the geological substrate on which an animal lived during tooth mineralization. Here we show that a higher proportion of small hominins than large hominins had non-local strontium isotope compositions. Given the relatively high levels of sexual dimorphism in early hominins, the smaller teeth are likely to represent female individuals, thus indicating that females were more likely than males to disperse from their natal groups. This is similar to the dispersal pattern found in chimpanzees9, bonobos10 and many human groups11, but dissimilar from that of most gorillas and other primates12. The small proportion of demonstrably non-local large hominin individuals could indicate that male australopiths had relatively small home ranges, or that they preferred dolomitic landscapes.
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Nature
    • 期刊缩写: Nature
    • 期卷页: 2011  474 7349 76-78
    • ISBN: 0028-0836
  • 学科领域 人文社科 » 考古学

  • 相关链接 DOI URL 

  •  聚焦生物 的文献笔记  订阅

    2011-6-3 17:17:58


    科学家是在对采集自南非斯泰克方丹和斯瓦特克朗斯洞穴中的类人猿化石进行分析后得出上述结论的。这些180万年前到220万年前的化石来自8个南方 古猿(被认为是现代人的直接祖先)和11个罗百氏傍人(又名粗壮傍人,该原始人分支早已灭绝但原因不明)。研究人员将注意力集中在了这些化石的磨牙和虎牙 上。

    美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校研究员桑迪·柯普兰解释说,在自然界中锶有4种天然稳定的同位素,这些同位素因岩石或年代的不同含量各自相异。由于锶的 质量数较大,在进入食物链后不易分解,更多的会保存在牙齿或骨骼中。因此,通过对牙釉质中锶同位素的测定和分析就能大致判断出他们的栖息地、社会结构、活 动范围以及其他一些有趣的现象。



    柯普兰表示,类似的现象今天同样也会在黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩中看到,但在大猩猩和其它大多数灵长类动物中却并不存在。在黑猩猩群体中,雄性往往会留在出 生地,并且会与其它雄性保持密切的合作关系以捍卫自己的领土。早期人类中存在这样的现象也是可以理解的,而如此小的活动范围则可能意味着,人类进化为两足 行走或许还存在着其他原因。对这种现象的另外一种解释是,男性古猿并不是更愿意待在家里,而是因为该地区有着舒适的洞穴和丰富的食物来源。对于女性古猿而 言,离开出生地的行为或许与避免近亲繁殖相关,但目前还尚不清楚这些远道而来的女性古猿来自何处,在哪里度过成长期。


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