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有读书笔记有附件Quantitative Spatial Profiling of PD-1/PD-L1 Interaction and HLA-DR/IDO-1 Predicts Improved Outcomes of anti-PD-1 Therapies in Metastatic Melanoma

阿平 添加于 2019-10-29 05:09 | 1309 次阅读 | 0 个评论
  •  作 者

    Johnson DB, Bordeaux JM, Kim J-Y, Vaupel CA, Rimm DL, Ho TH, Joseph RW, Daud AI, Conry RM, Gaughan EM, Hernandez-Aya LF, Dimou A, Funchain P, Smithy JW, Witte JS, McKee SB, Ko J, Wrangle J, Dabbas B, Tangri S, Lameh J, Hall JM, Markowitz J, Balko JM, Dakappagari NK
  •  详细资料

    • 文献种类: Journal Article
    • 期刊名称: Clinical Cancer Research
    • 期刊缩写: Clin Cancer Res
    • 期卷页: clincanres.0309.2018
    • ISBN: 1078-0432
  • 相关链接 DOI URL 

  •  附 件

    PDF附件Quantitative Spatial Profiling of PD-1/PD-L1 Interaction and HLA-DR/IDO-1 Predicts Improved Outcomes of anti-PD-1 Therapies in Metastatic Melanoma 
  •  阿平 的文献笔记  订阅

    空间上的一对(肿瘤细胞和与之接触的T细胞),也是interferon信号上的一对(HLA-DR / IDO1)

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