Roussell HV, Regan MD, Prince JL, Cox CH, Chen JX, Burns WK, Betts GE, Ackerman EI, Campbell JC
摘 要
We present a broad-bandwidth (1 -12 GHz) low-biased external modulation fiber-optic link without preamplifiers that has a gain of 6 dB-14 dB and a noise figure of < 7.S dB everywhere in this broad bandwidth, with a record low noise figure of only 3.4 dB at 2 GHz. The third-order distortion-limited spurious-free dynamic range (SFDK) of this link within any suboctavc portion of the 1-12 GHz range of operating frequencies is approximately 120 dBHz2/3 in a 1-Hz instantaneous receiver bandwidth. We describe the high-performance components in this link and discuss the extent to which their performance varies with frequency, and show which of these components' frequency-dependent parameters affect which of the three figures of merit (gain, noise figure, and SFDR).
文献种类: Conference
会议: Microwave Photonics, 2007 Interntional Topical Meeting on